Each $2 you donate helps a child in the Philippines learn to read and write.

Double espresso capuccino: $3.97.
Learning to read and write: Priceless.
This Christmas, instead of treating yourself to capuccino, why not help 2 children learn to read and write? Support Books for Tots today!
To donate to United IrigueƱos, right-click on the "Donate" button and "Open," or click on the link below:
Dear UP Alumni and friends,
A high-quality, brand-new book costs about $2 to acquire, process and deliver into the hands of a poor and deserving child in the Philippines. Think of it this way: it costs less to put a book in a child's hand than it is to buy a cup of espresso at Starbucks.
This Christmas, give the Gift of Hope. Support Books for Tots.
Please visit http://www.unitediriguenos.org/ for more information. All contributions to the United Iriguenos Inc., a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, are deductible for computing income and estate taxes.
United Iriguenos, Inc., in partnership with professional educators in the Philippines, launched the "Books for Tots" program in November 2007. Books for Tots aims to deliver high-quality books to poor and deserving schoolchildren in the rural communities of the Philippines.
Studies have shown that children's access to books is one of the key factors in promoting literacy among children. Unfortunately, in many rural communities in the Philippines, there is an alarming shortage of books. In Iriga City, for example, less than 7,000 English books are available for use by 14,500 children in public elementary schools.
United Iriguenos is an all-volunteer organization whose mission is to promote human dignity in communities-in-need, by implementing health, literacy and livelihood programs in the Philippines. You can help by spreading the word throughout the Fil-Am community about the urgent need for high quality books and the importance of teaching all children in the Philippines how to read and write. All donations are fully tax-deductible, and all contributions are monitored for transparency, from beginning to end.
We collaborated with the National Bookstore Foundation Inc. in the Philippines to identify and deliver high-quality, award-winning books in English and Filipino. These books have been vetted and recommended by the Reading Association of the Philippines, thus ensuring the appropriateness and effectiveness of the materials in promoting literacy among children.
The books are sourced from book suppliers that are located in the Philippines. We do not collect books in the U.S., nor do we use Balikbayan boxes. As a result, more of your donations can be used to purchase books, rather than being depleted to pay for the high cost of international shipping. In addition, by using respected suppliers in the Philippines, we create secondary economic benefits in the Philippines by creating employment throughout the supply chain (paper producers, printers, sales and distribution personnel) through which these books are produced.
We believe that this solution creates a win-win situation for all stakeholders involved.
We believe the choice is clear.
Instead of giving a $20 sweater to a friend, why not donate 10 books in your friend's name, to help a child in the Philippines read and write?
Instead of giving a $14 DVD to your child, why not donate 7 books in your child's name, to help a child in the Philippines become a productive member of society?
During this time of giving, our thoughts and prayers go to the men, women and children in the Philippines who are seeking ways to break out of the cycle of poverty. This program supports the concept of "teaching them how to fish."
Help ensure a child's future today. Please pledge your donations by sending a message to Carlos Dequina at carloslaw@ yahoo.com, or by calling us at (619) 788-8995. Any amount is welcome and appreciated. You may also use your credit card to set-up regular monthly pledges, simply by visiting http://www.unitediriguenos.org/, and selecting "Donate Now!" Electronic donations are processed securely and automatically using PayPal.
To donate by check:
Make checks payable to: United Iriguenos Inc.
302 Washington Street Suite 512, San Diego, California 92103
United Iriguenos Inc.
(c) Photos courtesy of National Bookstore Foundation.